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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

May 20, 2021, 10 tweets

Nancy Kelley complaining about complaints and accusing people of wild conspiracy theories.

Lets remind ourselves of the complaints that Stonewall sent to Garden Court Chambers to try to get Allison Bailey disciplined at work.

"Retweeting threats of violence"

"Liking and writing posts calling trans women men"

"Writing tweets calling for trans people to lose their current legal rights"

"Writing posts which misgender trans women saying they have male priviledge"

"Calling trans people and their campaign for equality "trans extremism"... encouraging violent resistance"

"Targeting Stonewall and a trans woman that work for us by calling her male"

"Calling our work "gender extremism""

Accusing Stonewall of "appalling levels of intimidation, fear & coercion"

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