mrspanstreppon Profile picture
"Liar!" retorted Hyacinth, with the directness of speech that is not merely excusable, but almost obligatory, in the political profession..."

May 20, 2021, 6 tweets

@DerWouter Just found out the list of new M-A-L members in '16 & '17 provided by a follower came from a Feb '17 NYT story. Very exclusive - Avi Greenbaum & Steven Michael, Hudson Holdings principals, made the cut...…

...You have to wonder why, if Andrew "Avi" Greenbaum wanted to delineate his business interests from those of the Galbut family's, he stuck w "Hudson" since he & the Galbuts were once members of Hudson Capital, LLC....

...If you're just tuning in, Steven Michael, Avi Greenbaum's partner in Hudson Holdings LLC, a "real estate development" firm, formerly located in Delray Beach, married a young woman from Ukraine who posed for a pic w Trump at M-A-L...

...Just checked Hudson Holdings, LLC was reinstated in Oct '20 & registered to an address in Tamarac in Broward County. Greenbaum & Michael are still the only members....

...Greenbaum & Michael initially attracted attention bc Lev Parnas & David Correia filed a lawsuit in Palm Beach County accusing them of reneging on a deal linked to a $10m loan from a Ukrainian company made to Hudson Holdings in late '16.....

...The duo attracted even more attention when it came to light Hudson Holdings purchased a Cleveland office building from a company owned by Ihor (Igor) Kolomoisky, a Ukrainian oligarch who is currently the subject of a DOJ investigation...

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