Matt Smith Profile picture
Head of Development & Innovation @ThinkCS | Fundraising, digital & pop culture | He/him πŸ€“πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

May 20, 2021, 7 tweets

The cast of Friends (1994-2004) if they were charity fundraisers

A thread...πŸ§΅πŸ›‹β˜•οΈπŸ™

Monica - Individual Giving

The obsessive, detail-focused and competitive member of the team. May annoy others with constant planning and perfectionist tendencies. Heart of gold πŸ’–

Ross - Trusts & Statutory Funding

Academic and serious, often the β€˜grown up’ of the group. Can be socially awkward and lean towards niche subject matter πŸ¦• β€œWas I talking to her about gas?”

Rachel - Corporate Partnerships

Independent, confident and charismatic communicator. Stylish, with bold ideas and a love of big brand retail πŸ›πŸ’ƒπŸ»

Joey - Events

Outgoing, fun-loving and extrovert. Joey is motivated by people first and foremost. He’s caring, tactile but can easily fall into misadventure πŸ•

Phoebe - Community Fundraising

Creative, quirky and multi-talented. The free spirit and storyteller of the team - has had eight completely different roles in ten years 🎸

Chandler - Operations

No one is really sure about what Chandler does - β€œHe’s a transponster!” - but it’s clearly important and very stressful. Great sense of humour keeps the team laughing πŸ“ πŸ˜‚

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