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May 20, 2021, 9 tweets

Mountbatten, the Royal who abused boys aged 8-12.

"The British Government purchased Mountbatten’s archive for the benefit of historians (allegedly) but has locked it away.

"It may include details about his links to paedophile networks."…

"Many believe Buckingham Palace is behind the censorship of the Mountbatten archive as the papers contain details about scandals damaging to the Royal Family

"The papers may include information about Mountbatten’s membership of the Anglo-Irish Vice Ring"…

"The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (@InquiryCSA) has displayed no interest in Mountbatten’s #KINCORA links.

"It has also ignored evidence about child abuse by VIPs including Enoch Powell, Sir James Molyneaux, Sir Knox Cunningham and others"…

"A further – and extremely detailed – indication of what is being covered up may be gleaned from an article written in a Melbourne newspaper in 1987

"It's a graphic account of Mountbatten’s reprehensible lifestyle by one of his former Naval subordinates"…

"On 8 Sep 1987 Ian Dougall reported a litany of secrets about Mountbatten in a Melbourne newspaper..

[He wrote:]

"The Queen’s uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, was a 'boy lover' who dressed his young victims in baby clothing before sexually molesting them"…

"Prince Charles’ favourite 'Uncle Dickie' – murdered at age 79 by the IRA in 1979 – used his power and position to abuse his victims – boys aged between 8 and 12 – according to Hanmer Springs motel owner Norman Nield who worked for Mountbatten in 1942-43"…

"Then a naval rating, Nield said he was ordered to take young boys who had been procured for the admiral to his official residence in Lord Mountbatten’s Humber car

"Lord Mountbatten used brandy and lemonade to help seduce his young victims, Nield claims"…

"At the time Nield was on Lord Mountbatten’s personal staff, the admiral was living in a large house at Fareham

“On one occasion I walked in on him and he had a semi-naked boy sitting on his knees

"I soon learned he was a sex monster .of the worst kind"…

Ghislaine Maxwell's friends Ashley & Allegra Hicks and Lord Mountbatten:

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