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May 21, 2021, 19 tweets

'Rajiv Gandhi' was No Hero, bitter truth remains that He was Curse for "Bharatvarsh".


Congress supporters initiated 1984 'Sikh Riots' which took ~288 Deaths (Officially) & ~8,000 Deaths (Unofficially). Rajiv Gandhi said "जब बड़ा पेड़ गिरता है तो धरती थोड़ी हिलती है", when asked about Mass∆cre, Mur'der, Abduc'tion & R∆pe.


In 1985, the SC of India ruled in favour of Mu$l'im divorcee 'Shah Bano' ordering compensation, But On demand of 'Mu$li'ms Organizations', Rajiv Gandhi diluted SC Verdict on Shah Bano case for Appeasement.


'Rajiv Gandhi' appointed the "curse" named 'Sam Pitroda' as his adviser on public information infrastructure and innovation. This person 'Sam Pitroda' is apparently responsible for sad state of Education System in Indian.


'Rajiv Gandhi' ended 'Assam Movement', which was launched by Assamese people to protest against the illegal migration of Bangladeshi Mu$li'ms. This act had reduced the Assamese to a minority there.


'Rajiv Gandhi''s name came in 'Bofors' Scandal, he was alleged for Bribes which were taken through the middleman 'Win Chadda' and 'Hinduja brothers'. 'Quattrocchi' was other main accused in this Case.


'Rajiv Gandhi' stood against 'Tamils'. He supported 'Sri Lanka' Government & then action against 'LTTE' initiated but along-with Tamil Gen'ocide happened. 1,200+ Indian Soldiers were brutally martyred and 3,500+ injured.


In 1992, 'Rajiv Gandhi' was alleged for receiving fund from Russian State security agency KGB.


'Rajiv Gandhi' was alleged for holding Black Money of ~2.5 billion Swiss francs in secret Indian accounts in Switzerland.


'Rajiv Gandhi' has been named as an "entrepreneur" for Swedish firm Saab-Scania, when it was trying to sell its "Viggen" fighter aircraft to India in the 1970s by the US diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks.


'Rajiv Gandhi' was accused for the Escape of 'Warren Anderson', the Main Accused in 'Bhopal Gas Tragedy' which took ~3,800 life (~16,000 Claimed).


Commission amounting to $ 9,90,000 was paid by Boeing to 'Rajiv Gandhi' against the purchase of 3 Boeing 737 jetliners as revealed by 'Michigan Daily' newspaper in 1977.


Farooq Abdullah - a close friend of 'Rajiv Gandhi' was loosing badly in 1987 J&K elections, when a sudden curfew was imposed by Congress. 1987 J&K Elections were rigged. Infiltration increased and which led to m∆ssc∆re of Kashmiri Pun'dits later-on.


Hashimpura m∆ss∆cre, an incident of m∆ss mur'der took place on or around 22 May 1987 near Meerut in Uttar Pradesh state, right under the nose of Union Minister of State (MoS) for Home Affairs in Rajiv Gandhi cabinet.


'Rajiv Gandhi' led to Economic Crisis in 1991. The economic policies he followed after 1985, Rajiv Gandhi borrowed internationally very heavily and the Fiscal deficit, Balance of Trade deficit & external debt to the country went up, stated Sanjay Baru.


Idyllic vacation for the Gandhis was facilitated in 1987 in the Lakshadweep archipelago. Several news reports stated that during that vacation, 'Rajiv Gandhi' used Indian Navy resources, particularly 'INS Virat'.


India bought its first computer in 1956 for a princely sum of Rs 10 lakh. It was called HEC-2M and was installed at Calcutta's Indian Statistical Institute.


'Rajiv Gandhi' didn't initiated IT Industry. India's IT Services industry was born in Mumbai in 1967. The first software export zone, SEEPZ-IT park, was established in Mumbai in 1973. More than 80% of the software exports were from SEEPZ in the 1980s.


'Rajiv Gandhi' apparently admitted that there was huge revenue leakage in system then. Supreme Court also once quoted his saying, हम 1 रुपये भेजते हैं तो जनता तक सिर्फ 15 पैसे ही पहोचते हैं.


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