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writer of threads || baker of breads || @aiisdev

May 21, 2021, 10 tweets

I’m very tired, but this one deserves a short thread...

This project is one of the most exciting and unique use cases I’ve seen on $ETH, & it may open up a previously untouched market worth billions.

Let’s begin! 🥐

@APWineFinance is an interesting protocol that allows you to trade unrealized yield in DeFi

The key functions of the application combine to create an ecosystem of tokenized yield across DeFi protocols that users can speculate on.

I’ll go over what this means briefly below...


@APWineFinance features an exchange which locks funds to generate tokenized futures that are unrealized yield

This aspect makes yield farming a lot more attractive to users who may wish to sell their interest at a fixed price

& it is a new way to hedge risk on $ETH 👀

What @APWineFinance introduces is a new primitive to the field of DeFi.

Utilizing their application, I suspect a significant number of yield farmers will begin to trade their yield in advance

This is an extraordinary secondary market that I do not think should go underestimated

$APW is the native token of the protocol, which will be used for staking, governance, and more functionalities to be added down the road.

Token holders are entitled to fees earned by the exchange, and have a stake in the performance of the protocol

Only 3.5M $APW circulating.

Already the project has partnered with some of the top yield farming dapps on $ETH, including Harvest Finance $FARM

The project additionally secured help from some of the top names in the industry

$AAVE integration lead @lemiscate is on the team, & the beta reached a TVL of $4M

So, when token?

Well, the token sale has been live for a couple days, and it is ending very soon.

You can visit to enter the LBP on Balancer, or wait until liquidity is added to uniswap after the sale.


Despite having such large names behind the project, the sale seems to have gone largely under the radar to most.

I believe $APW is severely undervalued for its backers & respective use, sitting at only $4M market cap & 300 holders

Enjoy! 🥐

Marc knows.

$ARCH x $APW? 🤔

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