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May 21, 2021, 6 tweets

India sees 259,551 new COVID cases over 24 hours as rare ‘black fungus’ complicates crisis

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As COVID wave rages in Nepal, hospitals run out of beds and oxygen

Global COVID death toll might be as high as 8 million, says WHO

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The White House teams up with dating apps to create vaccination badges and “super swipes” for those who've gotten COVID-19 jabs

“There is an education gap that always existed, and has become visible in the pandemic."

Argentina’s lack of internet leads to deepening educational inequality for children, especially as new COVID surges lead to remote learning

1,621 gov’t staff on poll duty die of COVID in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh Primary Teachers Association says the gov't workers were forced to work as polling officers despite a raging pandemic

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