Adam Klasfeld Profile picture
@MSNBC contributor on @TheLastWord w/ @Lawrence & Fellow at @Just_Security. Priors: The Messenger, @LawCrimeNews, @CourthouseNews. adam(at)adamklasfeld(dot)com

May 21, 2021, 20 tweets

Four months in, my @lawcrimenews podcast "Objections" ran its 16th episode.

The show has featured interviews with Congress members, prominent lawyers, and other newsmakers. We've broken international news and risen in Apple Charts.

The series so far, with more to come.


The debut episode featured never-before-heard audio tapes of Lin Wood and his former law partners, exclusively obtained from their acrimonious litigation.

The tapes shed light on the pro-Trump lawyer before his post-election conspiracy theories.…

During the same debut, ex-Oklahoma City bombing prosecutor Aitan Goelman spoke about pursuing that case with Merrick Garland, in an interview from well before the now-AG’s confirmation hearings renewed attention to that history.


Ep. 2:

Sen. @RonWyden (D-Ore.) spoke about his investigations into Trump in the post-presidency, including those involving:

* Turkey’s state-run Halkbank
* Jamal Khashoggi
* Jared Kushner’s Qatari dealings

And of course, the Capitol siege—…

Ep. 3

Pressed on claims that his client is a “leader” of QAnon, accused Capitol rioter Jacob Chansley’s lawyer Al Watkins offered to shove the government memo alleging that up his own rectum.

As far as I know, Watkins never did.

Story/Clips/Pod inside:…

Ep. 4:

When Trump’s Impeachment Two dominated headlines, “Objections” featured current and former U.S. reps with key insights:

* @RepValDemings, manager for Impeachment One
* Ex-@RepRiggleman, whose farewell address warned of disinfo


Ep. 5:

After the Texas outages left millions shivering in the dark, Attorney @CDMenefee—the top civil lawyer for the state’s biggest county—talked about the aftermath and the need for environmental justice.


Ep. 6:

Fresh from congressional testimony, Prof. @steve_vladeck talked to me about the SCOTUS “shadow docket.

Ex-SDNY prosecutor @JenGRodgers discussed a Steve Bannon case wrinkle.


Ep. 7:

Nobody’s covered N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo more closely than the Albany Times Union, and its editor @CaseySeiler reacted to the then-widening scandal with his thoughts on the governor’s “Shakespearean flaw.”


Ep. 8:

Common Cause’s @TheSylviaAlbert breaks down the spate of legislation to restrict voting access, in an episode named after late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s oft-quoted dissent in Shelby County v. Holder.…

Ep. 9:

The story Lin Wood didn’t want you to hear, featuring candid tapes, 911 and police dashcam recordings, and explosive interviews—including the mother of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Wood once fundraised for Rittenhouse. The mom wants an audit.


Ep. 10:

UPenn Law Professor Eric Feldman breaks down questions you may have about vaccine passports, mandates and everything in between—yes, they’re legal, which SCOTUS made settled law since Jacobson v. Massachusetts in 1905.…

Ep. 11:

Featuring audio highlights of Wayne LaPierre’s testimony, this episode unpacked the NRA’s bankruptcy trial and featured interviews from advocate @shannonrwatts and a Connecticut police chief who testified before Congress.…

Ep. 12:

Airing just hours before Derek Chauvin’s guilty verdicts, this episode approached the case through a still-relevant lens: the ongoing civil case against his chief medical witness: Dr. Fowler.

@LawCrimeNetwork host @BuckEsq unpacked both cases.…

Ep. 13:

On the 66-year-old case of Emmett Till and the 106-year-old Armenian genocide.

Till’s Cousin Deborah Watts recalls the lynching that animated the Civil Rights movement.

Scholar Ömer Taşpınar recounts being arrested for speaking historical truth.…

Ep. 14:

Rudy Giuliani’s “not the shutting up type,” and other observations by ex-SDNY prosecutor @eliehonig on a host of topics. Honig analyzed the then-newly revealed raid, the trajectory of the “Sovereign District,” and the machinations of Bill Barr.…

Ep. 15:

Inside the unusual judge-ordered prosecution of Steven Donziger, who won a $9.5 billion verdict against Chevron in Ecuador before facing a blistering counterattack.

Top Dem @RepMcGovern—and five other Reps.—take his side.


Ep. 16:

This week’s episode, reacting to the Colonial Pipeline hack.

@FrankFigliuzzi1 describes it as a warning shot for what more sophisticated actors could have in store.…

I’m proud of the range and quality of the guests we’ve had—and the news we’ve broken.

It’s been an exploration into a new mode of storytelling and medium. And there’s much more to come, with an exciting new episode coming down the pipeline next week.

If you haven’t already, please subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Have an idea for guests or stories? Critiques, praise or other reactions? Reach out to me. I love hearing from listeners.

We’re just getting started.…

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