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May 21, 2021, 5 tweets

NEXT WEEK: COVID-19 catalyzed a rapid advance in research and deployment of digital currencies, with nearly every such bank in the world researching or undertaking these projects.

Is this the end of the dollar era as we know it? #Consensus2021…

CBDCs offer a host of tangible benefits, but how do these stack up against drawbacks and potential concerns over privacy and surveillance?

Get the central banker's perspective from @JosephLoretta, Gred Medcraft and others. #Consensus2021…

The Bahamian @sanddollar_BS made history when it became the first full-fledged CBDC to launch in late 2020.

Governor @GovernorCBOB of the Bahamas Central Bank joins #Consensus2021 to discuss the project's progress, learnings and what's next.…

.@PwC's crypto lead @HenriArslanian shares an update on 2021's key trends and clues us in on what, and who, to watch for the rest of the year in the state of CBDC development.


Register for #Consensus2021 where we explore the pace of CBDC development, lessons learned and how these will interplay with bitcoin.…

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