Clint Smith Profile picture
Writer, @TheAtlantic. Author of Counting Descent, How the Word Is Passed, and Above Ground.

May 21, 2021, 6 tweets

Hey there, so HOW THE WORD IS PASSED comes out June 1st and I’ll be going on a virtual book tour to celebrate its launch. I’m thrilled to be in conversation with some brilliant & thoughtful people.

All event details & registration info can be found here:

I’ll be in conversation with @eveewing on June 1st at 7pm ET. Cohosted by @PGCMLS and @Loyaltybooks:…

I’ll be in conversation with @MsPackyetti on June 3rd at 8pm ET. Cohosted by @cwclub and @marcusbooks:…

I’ll be in conversation with @DrIbram on June 7th at 9pm ET. Cohosted by @LiveTalksLA and @BNBuzz:…

I’ll be in conversation with @minjinlee11 on June 10th at 8pm ET @HarvardBooks:…

And there’s much more. New events are being added to the schedule regularly so stay tuned to the event page on my website for the latest:

And subscribe to my newsletter for regular updates about the book & tour:

Hope you join us!

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