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☀️ Space lasers are all my own. ‘Well dodgy’, ‘Back channel’ controller. Inventor of the 'Kosher zigzag'. Winner of 'Jew of the Day'🏅

May 21, 2021, 6 tweets

“You lot” don’t get irony

I rarely mention Corbyn anymore, which apparently constitutes a “crippling obsession”.

Jews aren’t allowed to even mention the leader of an antisemitic party who made their lives hell without being policed by Alex Bragg.

Which swiftly led onto “why won’t you amplify the 3 token Jews who agree with racists?!”

“ I demand to judge how you as a Jew were affected by Labour antisemitism”, he said to someone whose timeline documented it for years 🤦‍♂️

He then blocked me of course. No doubt he added a comment so I couldn’t respond. Suffice to say, these are the state of the people complaining about Pete Newbon.

They deny Labour antisemitism, accuse Jews of lying about it and then fabricate antisemitism claims to silence Jews

The receipt

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