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May 21, 2021, 6 tweets

🔉 Jerusalem bureau chief @farrellreporter, Gaza-based senior correspondent @nidalal, Jerusalem-based senior correspondent @DanWilliams and Middle East editor @samianakhoul break down the situation.

Do we have any idea of Hamas’ military capability going forward?

.@DanWilliams explains what Israel’s Iron Dome is and how it works

After 11 days of violence, we have a ceasefire. @Nidalal explains how we got here:

One listener asked: How effective will the ceasefire be? Will there be another flare up? @Farrellreporter answers:

We’ve seen the damage on both sides.

@Nidalal breaks it down in terms of infrastructure and compares with past situations:

‘The real losers here are the ordinary people on both sides,’ @Farrellreporter says as he explains the damage.

Here’s @Reuters latest on the situation:

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