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May 22, 2021, 10 tweets

Welcome to the #IGCvAtari Legends Forum with @PitfallCreator & @kitchengarry.

I've been playing their latest release: Circus Convoy for the Atari 2600. Be sure to follow @audacitygames and check out their website:…

Let's do some Q&A with living legends!

The band is back together and your title Circus Convoy is a wonderful welcome-back party.

My first question for @kitchengarry & @PitfallCreator: has Audacity Games been something you guys have been talking about for a while?

Circus Convoy hits that sweet-spot where it feels like it could be an Activision game that fell through a time warp.

Was it like riding a bike to get it to look and play so authentically Activision or did you have to go back to school, so to speak? @PitfallCreator/@kitchengarry?

One thing I'm curious about is, like you said, the tools you used in the 80s are not used today. You had to start from scratch in a sense. What was the toughest hurdle you had to deal in designing the tools/game?


Video game fans have a long memory and some of the most solid brand loyalty in all of media.

Almost 40 years later and people still long for the type of games you guys did.

Do you two ever stop and think "jeez, we did some really amazing things?" @kitchengarry/@PitfallCreator

This is one for a generation of indie devs who idolize you: sometimes developers struggle with giving up ideas in games.

Was any idea for Circus Convoy abandoned? And how do you know when an idea is not going to work? When's the time to give it up? @kitchengarry/@PitfallCreator

I have to ask this for personal curiosity before I move on to asking Casey's Gold: do you two still play new games? And if so, what's some recent stuff you've enjoyed? What consoles do you have?


The next release is Casey's Gold by @dankitchen, and you've both teased a third today..

Is it safe to assume Audacity Games is here to stay? And would you guys consider publishing the neo-retro works of other creators? @kitchengarry/@PitfallCreator

One last question for you guys and then I'm going to go cry because the Warriors are playing like crap..

What is "gameplay" to you? What is the single most important element any game must have in order to be fun?

@PitfallCreator/@kitchengarry have tapped into "IT" again & again

I want to thank @PitfallCreator and @kitchengarry for hanging out with me today! An honor!

Audacity Games debut title, Circus Convoy, is out now and it's really fun. Not just fun for an Atari game, but FUN in a vacuum, on its own merit. It's for-sale now!…

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