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May 22, 2021, 8 tweets

Hamas claims victory as tens of thousands of Palestinians celebrate Gaza ceasefire after 11 days of intense Israeli bombardment

Israel’s latest military assault:

• 248 Palestinians killed
• Including 66 children and 39 women
• At least 1,910 wounded
• More than 90,000 Palestinians displaced

- Gaza’s health ministry

Hamas spokesperson Abdel-Latif al-Qanou said that armed groups had imposed their own ceasefire conditions on Israel:

• End forced expulsions of Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah.

• End Israeli military incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Read here:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed the offensive has dealt Hamas a “blow it cannot imagine.”

However, many Israeli politicians slammed the ceasefire as a humiliating capitulation to Hamas.

Read here:

“A cordoned-off military-like zone."

Palestinians living in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood have been placed ‘under a siege’ by Israeli authorities, say residents

UN warns health facilities in danger of being overwhelmed and urges immediate access to Gaza for supplies and personnel

Palestinian solidarity protests took place in London, Melbourne and Paris while more are scheduled in other big cities, including New York and Berlin

“I also sent farewell messages to my close friends, asking them to keep me in their thoughts and prayers after I die.”

Many terrified Gaza civilians said their final goodbyes to family during the 11-day Israeli onslaught

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