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I See God in the Excellence of Men

May 22, 2021, 14 tweets

Infidelity Series 4

I hate stories like this. The person you want to marry is not hitting and someone else is slam dunking regularly. Guys, stop accepting celibacy conditions in relationships. You are cheating yourself.

She is not celibate. She doesn't want you to fuck.

Married women are not playing anymore.

She was cheating on her fiance who doubles as an office colleague with the company's gate man.

I prefer not to comment. I'm just pitying the Fiancé

This one is confused.

"I married my best friend" 🤡🤡

It is well

This one don para

Blaqbonez has reset many brains

Horny corper no send pregnancy

Dude mentioned the man's name and his company. I had to crop abeg.

Make everybody dey anonymous.

Be safe out there

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