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Facts flatline feels.

May 22, 2021, 7 tweets

1/5 [C]hristians/atheists/spiritualists: I dont need you to believe this right now, just need you to take a few minutes to read ALL of the thread so the seed is planted on [P]roject [B]lue [B]eam. You cannot be prepared if you are not aware.
cont’d... 👇🏻

2/5 Remember: their objective is a [O]NE [W]ORLD [R]ELIGION that eliminates [J]esus/[C]hristianity/etc once and for all: where [G]od is acknowledged/exhaulted as [L]UCIFER. This is NOT a conspiracy and if you attempt to suggest that on this post, I will block you.
cont’d... 👇🏻

3/5 I’ve spent entirely too many hours/years studying/researching/sharing this stuff to still have emotionally incapable people flocking around. This is very real and ONE OF the many agendas that’s BEEN going on,
cont’d... 👇🏻

4/5 in plain sight, while they’ve meticulously kept everyone distracted. I highly encourage everyone to do your own research outside of google. Understand that a “conspiracy theorist” gains nothing by sharing info they’ve discovered. That said,
cont’d... 👇🏻

5/5 what do those in power have to gain by silencing/censoring those people? Think smarter. Remember the days when we sought out information, learned from each other, and craved knowledge.
📺 Think outside the box. 📺

Whatcha think, fake aliens first then fake rapture? 🤔 @TheFlatEartherr


@SioutisAthan these reasons for a fake rapture are actually pretty brilliant to get weaker Christians to question and potentially turn against everything they believed to be true. Preachers like Osteen being “left behind” would wreak havoc. 😳

They dont know he’s a puppet, too.

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