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Facts flatline feels.

May 22, 2021, 11 tweets

This is why I won’t be boardin the Elon train. Part of the enterprise. Direct claims on him in 5th post of thread. πŸ€“ Not gonna hashtag this cuz I’ll prob get banned. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ @Dxron2 @GoldSilver3300 @xrpNiaB @LSkeletor1111 @_TheCoolTwin @TexasWealth_777 @EscanorThe2nd





6/ You can pull the rest of the 87 pages from the case #.

7/ Other suits filed that folks may not know about.

8/ MASSIVE CASE no one is talking about. lol


Seemed unfair to leave these twats out.

And this, kids, is why we laugh at our TVs when MSM uses any docs/data from Harvard, MIT, etc to support a claim.

Universities all been heavily funded by [E]pstein and [G]ates for decades.

And this is why we πŸ–•πŸ»off our TVs when Cooper, Lemon, and MANdow start talking. Much darker-sinister reasons with all of them but this is a good start.

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