Michael Stretton, III, Rosa Ferreum (鐵瑰) Profile picture
A discursive E.D.P.N.A. Social Security disability benefits (paralegal) advocate, information designer, bibliothecal researcher, tutor, and tea traveler (茶旅人).

May 22, 2021, 12 tweets

The fear of data and academic studies is strong with this one. 🤣

🤣 When you know the other side lost the argument (archive.ph/sH2JV; archive.ph/Y2x5q; archive.ph/ZUXPo; archive.ph/XebFi; archive.ph/hMGOO; archive.ph/N7caj)! 🤣

These were the arguments that they lost (; ).

More victory laps to make considering the mounting evidence of just how badly they lost the argument such that they had to misrepresent the data presented to save face (archive.ph/PKgF9; archive.ph/ky8FS; archive.ph/6yDza; archive.ph/KbLZw)! 🤣

This was pretty hilarious! @eminently_me5 had to delete her tweet (archive.ph/qauWO) to save face because she cited to "Facts and Statistics on Domestic Violence At-A-Glance" (domesticviolenceresearch.org/domestic-viole…) saving me the trouble of citing to it.

The evidence of total self-destruction of the opposition keeps on coming (archive.ph/R0UlE; archive.ph/2pKZu; archive.ph/870i1; archive.ph/fmcT5; archive.ph/ZZfkW; archive.ph/6drV0; archive.ph/OqFN1; archive.ph/Pi5xZ).

Here is a close-up of the deleted tweet for those who are interested.

🤣 Apparently, the thread is too long for some of those who associate with @eminently_me5, like @thepalemoonlt (archive.ph/ZHWbP). 🤣 It appears that short attention spans are a characteristic of @eminently_me5's audience.🤣 I suppose that isn't that surprising.🤣

So much winning (archive.ph/wrSWd; archive.ph/9k5qe; archive.ph/fikp2; archive.ph/JQeOv)!

@eminently_me threatens folks' professional licenses who disagree with her because she can't handle that the data disagrees with her (archive.ph/Jv2lg)!

If you were looking for what posted here that is now unavailable, here it is (archive.ph/sH2JV; archive.ph/Y2x5q). Enjoy!

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