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Father. Husband. Uncle. Brother. Proven. Software Engineer for 23+ yrs. Upstream Linux DM subsystem maintainer. Avid comic book OA collector. 2002 s2000 owner.

May 23, 2021, 8 tweets

@RyanStegman Definitely Spawn 1, @Todd_McFarlane in all his glory. Spawn 2 (first violator) is also amazing. Though Todd never sold his issues complete to a museum.. *cough* KiB. But Spawn "Vault Edition" is phenomenal! Closest I'll get to owning early Spawn 1 OA (which belongs in museum too)

@RyanStegman @Todd_McFarlane Ryan, not to stroke your ego but both Venom 1 and Absolute Carnage 1 are on my short list for best single issues. Such amazing illustrations by you and @JPMayer_. You guys really saved @Doncates's ass (joking, you rock Donnie)! And I'm lucky to be able to cherish some of the OA.

@RyanStegman @Todd_McFarlane @JPMayer_ @Doncates Though @Doncates storytelling in Crossover 1 combined with @GeoffShaw12 illustrations is also on my list. Just wonderful! Art so good I wear it! 😆

@RyanStegman @Todd_McFarlane @JPMayer_ @Doncates @GeoffShaw12 I also enjoy the hell out of Bloodshot 1 illustrated by @Demonpuppy, inked by @adelso_corona and colors by @adalhouse. Just amazing energy. Absolutely cannot wait to see what this team does in upcoming Spawn titles!

@RyanStegman @Todd_McFarlane @JPMayer_ @Doncates @GeoffShaw12 @Demonpuppy @adelso_corona @adalhouse But let's not forget Silver Surfer Black illustrated by #TraddMoore. Tradd is a beast, especially when paired with @Doncates as SSB showed! My single favorite issue of the series was SSB2, just stunning.

@RyanStegman @Todd_McFarlane @JPMayer_ @Doncates @GeoffShaw12 @Demonpuppy @adelso_corona @adalhouse Circling back to #Spawn, issue 295 illustrated by @jasonshawnalex is my favorite single issue of sequential art in Spawn since issue 1 (seriously!). Masterful storytelling via haunting illustrations. So good I sought out piecing together the OA for my favorite pages 12-15.

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