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May 23, 2021, 8 tweets

China's 🇨🇳 debt trap and spying in African nations

The African Union headquarters was built by China in 2012. The building was 200💰million gift from Chinese government

But what was more shocking when dragon was caught for spying in the headquarters through installed servers

In January 2017 at the headquarters of the African Union, an IT engineer noticed in the middle of the night that servers installed in AU HQ were connecting to some servers in Shanghai, and uploading emails and audio files

Since, AU headquarters was designed and built by Chinese firms, with Chinese money and servers were installed by Chinese engineers who had left an intentional backdoor into the server, so they were easily accessible

Later when few people sweeped the building they found microphones embedded in the furniture and in the walls. The whole building was bugged and has been feeding internal emails and audio to China for 5 years since the building was built

China has projected every single country in Africa. Chinese projects are everywhere and there are too many projects to even count. But why is China doing this, what are they up to ? Let's understand

China built a railway system in Kenya from Nairobi to Mombasa. The $3.6 billion railway project is the most expensive project since Kenya's independence, and it was paid for by a giant loan from Chinese state run bank

Now Kenya has billions of dollars of debt that it has to pay back to China eventually. In fact, 72% of of Kenya's debt is owed to China

Chinese President Xi Jinping claims they are doing this in the name of cooperation and friendship. But it looks like more to control the nations through debt

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