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19 she/they ° med, law, and sports drama enjoyer ° aus on moments | carrd not updated

May 23, 2021, 23 tweets

「 retake 」
─ a #solhwi filo au [lawschool ⚖]

in a supposedly exciting concert turned fraud case, sol a unknowingly bought a fake ticket. she had no choice but to give her seat to who holds the official ticket, joonhwi, her former crush in highschool.

[ notes ]

» pls ignore the timestamps
» not really a short au but not too long either
» will add some narrations
» conversations may contain curse words

it's been almost a year since i wrote a socmed au so pls manage ur expectations ><

[ characters ]

» kang sol a
» kang sol b
» jeon yeseul

[ characters ]

» han joonhwi
» seo jiho

「au start !」

















mamaya ulit or bukas ng umaga!! for now i'll just drop this here nood tayo concert 🤩

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