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Civil rights attorney. Longtime public defender. Dad. Executive Director, Zealous. Fighting everyday to share the truth about public health & safety.

May 23, 2021, 16 tweets

Good morning. And welcome to this important live tweeting event. I've been working with a little scientist all morning. On a contraption to protect a fragile egg from a drop from a great height.

Follow along for the "Great Egg Drop" of May 23, 2021.

Any time we do anything "science-y" little man runs for his lab coat & "experiment glasses."

"My science outfit." It's seriously the cutest thing in the world. It came with a name tag clip, which sadly is now lost.

The beginning. Cutting open a milk carton. Why? He wanted to.

We pulled everything from recycling. Paper boxes. Cartons. Plastic bags. Decided to cut the pizza boxes into quarters & stuff each one with other stuff. "Trampolines" he called them. To break the fall. The egg itself went inside paper towels. Then zip locks with air kept inside.

A brilliant idea! Target bags as parachutes. We cut the handles off a paper food delivery bag and used a ton of duct tape to tighten them on the contraption.

I think we're ready to go. Off to Domino Park in Williamsburg. Have an idea of a good place to give it a try.

We made it. A beautiful day in Brooklyn. Domino Park in Williamsburg. Going to head up a ramp & drop the egg contraption down to the pathway below. The higher walkway is made from remains of the sugar factory that used to be here.

Walking up to the “drop zone.” He’s super excited!

His narration: “We’re head up to the top. Actually the very top to drop the thing!”

We made it to the drop zone! Time to put back on the science outfit. He’s looking like a real scientist.

Woops. Caught myself. “I mean, you *are* a real scientist.”

The pre-egg drop interview:

Him: “So you know, there’s an egg inside of it. And I’m gonna drop it to see if it breaks or not. And you see all these pizza things? Those are like trampolines. Look! And these are the parachutes!”


Brief break to get your votes. After watching the last video, hearing the impact: do you think the egg survived?

Here he comes. Running down and then the start of the unpackaging. Suspense is killing me. Don’t worry: alive given him a pep talk about if it’s broken. Just need to try again!

Took some time & effort to get all that tape off. Here he is pulling out the inner core. Dying....getting closer.....!

And here it is. The grand finale. Don’t skip ahead. Wait for it. The opening of the inner core of the egg drop contraption. Wait for it. WAIT FOR IT.

“It’s like opening a present,” he says.

The celebration continues! Thanks to all for following us along on this adventure. We’ve got a very happy, very satisfied, and motivated little dude on our hands. So much fun. Now I need a nap.

Epilogue: while trying to put the egg in my pocket while I wasn’t paying attention as we were leaving the park, the egg fell on the ground and finally broke. Ha!

To clarify. Boy was trying to put the egg in my pocket. Not me! I’m not that absent minded!

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