Xyphoe 🕹😎👍 Profile picture
"That Amstrad Guy" at YouTube, Retro/H1Z1 Twitch streamer, freelance Journalist at "Retro Gamer" magazine! AMSTREAMS every Friday at 9pm (GMT) on YouTube!

May 24, 2021, 10 tweets

Here are all the winners from Friday's #Amstream of "THE SUGARS"!

Game Of The Year went to "Alcon 2020" the NEW, improved and exclusive 25Hz version we got to look at out soon! Most predicted "Oscar Z" would win, but this updated version swung the vote!

Best Graphics went to "The Abduction Of Oscar Z" - congratulations to the stunning work by @Alberto_H9 !!

The award for Best Music & SFX was a clear win for "The Sword Of Ianna"! Some absolutely beautiful and stunning pieces of work from @alberto_mcalby which you can hear here along with more of his work - soundcloud.com/joemcalby_zx

Award for Best Original Gameplay & Design was another clear win for "The Abduction Of Oscar Z" and it's 2nd award of the night! Once again, congratulations to the Dreamin' Bits guys!

The award for Technical Achievement & Quality was a close one, but again the new 25Hz version of "Alcon 2020" won! A stunning remake of an arcade conversion (aka Slap Fight!)

We thought it fair to introduce a separate category for Best Sports & Racing Game because there are not many games here and they tend to be overlooked as not everyone likes sports/racing games. Just beating out Fire Tyre from @cngsoft was "CPC Soccer"! Congrats @voxeltower!

The Best Plot & Storyline category is a difficult one to judge, but for continuing it's story through many levels the winner was "Sword Of Ianna" with it's 2nd win of the night!

Lastly the award for Best Artificial Intelligence went to the utterly bonkers but brilliant "CPC Soccer"! Surely now a contender for best footy game on the Amstrad? Well done @voxeltower again for their 2nd award of the night!

I would just like to finish saying - this was our first attempt at doing an awards show. It was a huge amount of fun but I know it wasn't perfect and where we can improve for next year. Just remember, this was just a bit of fun and not to be taken too seriously!

This is here to help promote, support and most of all celebrate the hard work of the very talented people making wonderful games for the #amstradcpc. That is all, and that's what is important - but also having a bit of fun too! Thank you to everyone who was a part of this!

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