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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

May 24, 2021, 15 tweets

Some thoughts on Stonewall's rebrand and strategy.

Erm.... does anyone else think that the rebrand is an 'up yours' to EHRC??

They went from LGB to LGBT in 2015 .... now adding "queer, questioning and ace" (asexual .... a spectrum which includes "demisexual", which means heterosexual who experiences sexual attraction based on emotional connection with a person...)

This is likely to mean that lesbian and gay men are a minority in the LGBTQ+ movement.

The government's LGBT survey (not a representative survey, but still interesting) suggests this is already the case amongst 16-24 year olds

Stonewall's charitable objects concern human rights and in particular sexual orientation


The word "sex" does not appear in the document

"gay" and "lesbian" appear exactly once

"trans" appears 12 times

The word "women" appears twice, both times prefaced by LBTQ+

There can be no category of women that does not include males who identify as women

Their vision is that "LGBTQ+ people should have the same rights as everybody else"

What rights do "LGBTQ+" people lack in the UK?...

1. A legally enforceable ban on conversion therapy

(there is no evidence of a trend of actual abusive conversion therapy going on in the UK. This is clearly intended to outlaw 'watchful waiting' of children w gender issues) & medical assessment in general

Hate crime and hate speech laws

(this is deeply illiberal and worrying - anonymous hate crime reporting?? 😬)…

A fairer system for asylum is needed all around.

Are "ace" people really fleeing in persecution??

Legal gender self-ID - including for people who identify as non-binary

They are expanding the Diversity Champions workplace scheme, work in schools, and sports.

And with faith communities and "elders" (the photographs are all of youngers though...)

They lobby governments across he UK to "protect and extend LGBTQ+ rights"

LGBTQ+ is not a category recognised in the Equality Act 2010 - public and private bodies would be wise not to delegate decision making to this lobby group.

It feels like a protection scheme.

Everyone can join.

And anyone who doesn't Stand With Stonewall will be fair game to be reported to their school, university or employer.

You are "Free to Be" what we tell you to be...

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