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May 24, 2021, 9 tweets

My Experiments With Hacking Capitalism

"I just realized I've never really written about how I make a living doing what I do, which is odd because it's easily the most interesting aspect of my weird little operation here."…

My Experiments With Hacking Capitalism (Audio)

"My goal has been to try and 'hack' this trend by getting money to reward health instead, thereby allowing me to embody the opposite of the disease and proving that a better way is possible."…

I make my living entirely from the goodwill of other people. I work as hard as most people, but I don't charge money for my labor; I work for free and demand nothing from anyone who enjoys the fruits of my labor.

I decided early on in this commentary gig that I wanted to write about the healthiest things I can possibly write about from the healthiest parts of myself, and if I'm going to get paid I want it to be by the healthiest impulses of the healthiest sort of people.

As near as I can tell the major problems with the world I am leaving to my children ultimately boil down to the fact that money tends to elevate the very worst kinds of people:

My goal has been to try and "hack" this trend by getting money to reward health instead, thereby allowing me to embody the opposite of the disease and proving that a better way is possible.

By contrast, in societies that aren't dominated by money, goodwill is the prevailing currency, and sociopaths tend to wind up dead. From Scientific American:…

In such tribal cultures your worth is measured not by how much money you have, but by the extent to which you improve the quality of life for those around you.

My goal here is to get by on goodwill currency instead of kunlangeta currency, while hopefully helping to move us out of our kunlangeta way of life.

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