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I'm writing a book on how to stay conscious when you drown

May 24, 2021, 10 tweets

Rochdale revenue at a record £4.92m in 2019/20 on the back of a third round cup match at Old Trafford.

Matchday income for Rochdale up 68% in 2019/20 despite early curtailment of season.

Broadcast income up a quarter, partly due to use of iFollow for matches played BCD.

Commercial income for Rochdale held up well despite impact of Covid on room hire etc. in final quarter of season.

Rochdale managed to get wage bill down by £1/2 million as big contracts not renewed or offered on reduced terms. Wages down from 98% to 70% of income, far more sustainable. Average wage down to £1,600 a week.

Rochdale operating losses reduced by 2/3 from over £2m to £630k. Dale have an excellent academy and player sale profits turned the loss into a profit due to both disposals and sell-ons. This has brought in almost £6m over last four years.

As a result of player sales and good cost control Rochdale have made an overall profit since the club was formed.

Rochdale spent just £10k on players in 2019/20 taking total squad cost to £61k at end of season.

Rochdale did borrow more in 2019/20 but still had more cash than loans at end of season.

Spreadsheet summary for Rochdale

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