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Career - Finance, Data | Interests - History, Genealogy | Rotarian, JCI Senator | Alumnus of IMT Ghaziabad | Unseen in Plain Sight

May 25, 2021, 11 tweets

An Emperor thrown out of his capital.

The last gasp of a nation for self rule, before foreign rule for centuries.

Story in the evening ...

Mátyás Hunyadi was born in 1443 to János Hunyadi and Erszebet Szilágyi de Horogszeg. In 1441, János Hunyadi became Voivode of Transylvania in Hungary, alongside Újlaki Miklós, playing an active role in its defence against Ottomans. He was Regent for King Ladislaus from 1446. 1/10

In 1456, János Hunyadi came to the rescue of Belgrade under siege by Ottoman forces. But he died later of plague. Rivalry of his elder son, László, with Count of Cilli, cascaded into the arrests of both László and Mátyás by the King. László was executed in 1457. 2/10

King Ladislaus died the same year aged 17, bringing to end the senior Habsburg line. Holy Roman Emperor, Friedrich von Habsburg from the junior Habsburg line, pushed his claims, but the deceased King's nearest relative was his sister, Elisabeth, Queen of Poland. 3/10

The Diet met at Pest in 1458 to elect a new King and perhaps concerned about favouring one King over another, chose a local ruler - Mátyás Hunyadi. Mihály Szilágyi, his maternal uncle, had convened the Diet and was appointed Regent 4/10

The young King had his work cut out. Displeased nobles backed Friedrich or Kazimierz, King of Poland. But that was not the only trouble. In 1453, Constantinople had fallen to Sultan Mehmed. The Ottomans were fast advancing into Hungary. 5/10

In 1459, Újlaki Miklós and László Garai rebelled againt the King, supported by Emperor Friedrich. But by 1463, Mátyás made peace with the Emperor.

By 1459, the Ottomans had conquered Serbia as well, though Belgrade held out. Bosnia was conquered in 1463. 6/10

King Mátyás raised taxes to finance his defence, but was met with opposition. Nevertheless, he won them over in the end. In 1468, he invaded Bohemia, but Bohemian King held on to the throne with Polish help. But King Mátyás held on to parts of Bohemia like Moravia & Silesia. 7/10

He reorganized the army under Jan Haugwitz and turned it into a powerful standing army, campaigning against the Ottomans, the Emperor and in Bohemia. He also supported neighbouring Wallachia and Moldavia in their defence against the Ottomans. 8/10

In 1479, the Black Army defeated the Ottomans at Breadfield in Transylvania. This set back the Ottoman war effort.

King Mátyás was also at war with the Emperor, capturing parts Lower Austria and Styria in 1478. In 1485, he captured Vienna and in 1487, Wiener Neustadt. 9/10

He made Vienna the capital of Hungary. But Mátyás died in 1490, without legitimate heir. Władysław of Poland was elected as the new King and in 1526, Ottomans defeated Hungary at Mohács, partitioning the Kingdom. Hungary was later reunited in 1699 under the Habsburgs. 10/10

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