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Freedom, Justice, Love & Coffee.

May 25, 2021, 32 tweets

ENEMY of the free press and ex-Formula One boss Max Mosley has died aged 81. 👀👇

'The millionaire, whose Hitler sympathiser dad Oswald led the British fascist movement, was famously filmed at a sadomasochistic orgy with prostitutes.'…

Italy's Duce Benito Mussolini (left) with Oswald Mosley (right) during Mosley's visit to Italy in 1936

Flag of the British Union of Fascists.

Oswald Mosley and Lady Cynthia Curzon.

Plaque commemorating the Battle of Cable Street

Max Mosley...

According to Celebrity Net Worth, the businessman had a net worth of $16million (£11.3million).…

There is also this perspective - 'The Myth of Cable Street'…

Max Mosely - the privacy campaigner....

Mosley (right), who died at home on Sunday, developed a bond with Bernie Ecclestone (left)..

Ex-F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone buys Flavio
Briatore's f18m yacht for bargain $6.6m after it's seized by cops and auctioned...

Mosley's life is to be the subject of a new documentary which will be released in July, titled 'Mosley: It's Complicated'…

Mosley (middle), talking to Lewis Hamilton (left).

Sex, Nazis, cheating: Top 5 scandals in Formula 1 history…

End Part One/… 👀👇👇💥💥💊

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