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U.S. Senator for Kentucky | I fight for the Constitution, individual liberty and the freedoms that make this country great.

May 25, 2021, 10 tweets

Today I spoke on the floor AGAIN about government waste and urged the Senate to adopt my amendment that would ban the funding of gain-of-function research in China. You can watch it here:

NSF sent $1.3 million to study making insects into animal feed, on top of that we spent nearly $3 million to study if humans would eat insects as a means to combat climate change.

That’s $4 million on eating insects.

NIH Spent over $800,000 to study whether Japanese Quails are more Sexually promiscuous on cocaine. I think we could have simply polled the audience….and of course found they are…

Ever wonder why a lizard waddles when he walks? Well for one and a half million taxpayer dollars, NSF had lizards walk on a treadmill while taking x-rays of their joints – What did they discover? That they need more taxpayer money before they could conclude any answer.

$300,000 to study Ugandan gambling habits.
WHY? Because 60% of Uganda’s economy is on the black market. Instead of asking why people gamble, perhaps they should have studied why excessive government regulations have created this black market.

Nearly half a million dollars to determine if country frogs have a different mating call than city frogs.

Nearly half a million dollars to create a climate change video game.
This game’s intention? To spread alarmism and irrational fear among school children in a fun and interesting way.

Did Neil Armstrong say: “One small step for Man, one giant leap for mankind” or “One small step for ‘A’ man”

Well researchers siphoned off $700,000 from an NSF autism research grant to ask that question. The answer: we just don’t know.

The NSF spent $500,000 on a grant for UC Irvine to research if taking selfies improves happiness and relaxation. The study unsurprisingly found that taking selfies with something that makes you happy can improve your mood!

You can read more about my amendment here: paul.senate.gov/news/dr-rand-p…

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