Mamas A. Mamas Profile picture
Professor of Cardiology @KeeleUniversity. Research: CV Epidemiology. Associate Editor @CircIntv. Senior clinical editor @TCTMD. @BCIS_uk audit lead.

May 25, 2021, 5 tweets

1. Hired a cottage in wales For a few days, decided to hike to pen y gaer, An old iron age fort. @DrMarthaGulati @BethFratesMD @bes502 @nolanjimradial @iamritu @CastlDalmunzie @SilCastelletti @mirvatalasnag @djc795 @ErinMichos @RodrigoBagur @ncurzen @DrToniyaSingh @jedicath

Further along the climb becomes quite steep. Unfortunately @komoot has taken me nowhere near any dairy products 😜😜 @wordfinga @Libbyextra @Uqayyum123 @billgogas @drercardio @EkateriniL @JGrapsa @Kfarooqi @DrAmirKaki @netta_doc @nishat76 @JSillerMatula @jedicath @DBelardoMD

4. A bit about the fort, You can still see the old stone entrance but nothing much else. Now walking down after reaching the summit @ajaykirtane @HolgerNef @AnastasiaSMihai @DrQuinnCapers4 @purviparwani @mirvatalasnag @drptca @Hragy @aymanka @Umair2017 @angioplastyorg @timir_paul

5. Now I just need to decide what to eat for dinner......😜

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