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Mom. Cynophilist. Sanatani. Worship the Lord like Nandi. RTs etc not an endorsement. 🙏 #HarHarMahadevॐ

May 25, 2021, 14 tweets

This is an enchanting story of the deep love of a devotee for his Lord, who comes to his rescue and saves him. Prahlad was one of the greatest devotees of Lord Vishnu. On this day Lord Vishnu incarnated as Narasimha in order to kill Hiranyakashyap and save Prahlad.

Hiranyakashyap’s brother, Hiranyaksha, set out to conquer the universe. His attacks and plunder ravaged the worlds, so he was killed by Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakashyap was pained by the death of his brother and wanted to take vengeance on Lord Vishnu.

He invoked Lord Brahma and performed rigorous austerities in order to secure the boon of immortality. Lord Brahma told him that this boon could not be given and he could ask for anything else. So he sought a boon that he cannot be killed by a man or an animal.

Or by demons or Gods. Or by any weapon. He cannot be killed in day or night, nor inside a home or outside it. The boon from Lord Brahma made Hiranyakashyap invincible and he set out to conquer the earth and heavens. In the meantime, his wife gave birth to Prahlad.

Hiranyakashyap wanted his son to learn the arts of demon powers and become a powerful ruler. Hiranyakashyap proclaimed himself as God and ordered all his subjects to worship him and not any other God. Prahlad refused to follow this rule and worshipped Lord Vishnu.

He had already received the mantra of 'Om Namo Narayana' when he was in his mother’s womb from Sage Narada. It's said that once, when Hiranyakashyap was observing penance, Narada had advised Kayadhu (wife of Hiranyakashyap) to practice the devotion of Lord Vishnu.

Prahlad told his father that Lord Vishnu was the only God and he would not accept his father as God. Hiranyakashyap was enraged and ordered his servants to kill Prahlad. He was rolled down from a high mountain, thrown from the cliff into the sea, thrown into a pit of serpents.

He was made to sit on a pyre with his aunt Holika. As he practiced Smaran and was always chanting the name of Lord Vishnu, he was protected and could not be harmed. Hiranyakashyap wanted to fight and kill Lord Vishnu for taking away Prahlad’s loyalties from him.

He dragged Prahlad to the main court & asked him where his Lord was present. Prahlad replied that the Lord was everywhere. Hiranyakashyap pointed to the main pillar of the court and asked if the Lord was present in the pillar!

He replied that the Lord was present in the pillar and in the smallest twig. Hiranyakashyap roared in anger and hit the pillar with his mace and ordered Lord Vishnu to come out. The pillar blasted open and the form of Lord Narasimha came out roaring. It was a terrifying form.

It had the head of a lion and body of a man. The eyes were red with rage and the nails were curved talons of the lion. Everyone shook with fright at the sight except Prahlad who stood there silently in surrender. The fiery Narasimha attacked Hiranyakashyap and dragged him....

to the doorstep and placed him on his lap. He used his talons to tear his stomach. It was the doorstep – not inside the home or outside. It was sunset – neither day nor night. No weapon was used. The form was neither a man nor animal. Thus, Narasimha killed Hiranyakashyap.

It was difficult to calm down the raging Narasimha. Even Lakshmi Devi was afraid. But Prahlad went up to him fearlessly and thanked him for saving his life. He sang praises of Lord Vishnu, who is present everywhere – even in a pillar - to save his devotee.🙏

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