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Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

May 26, 2021, 15 tweets

Portland police have declared an unlawful assembly

In Portland, some protesters started a dumpster fire and rolled it next to the justice center.

About 150 protestors in “Black bloc”, advocating for abolishing the police, are gathered outside the justice center.

The fire department put out the dumpster fire.

Portland police throw smoke canisters at protestors, protestors throw fireworks at police.

(One protestor’s aim wasn’t true and the firework landed on the front line of protestors and press)

Protestors broke windows at Portland city hall

Protestors graffitied “ACAB”
(All cops are Bastards) on Portland city hall

Portland police have declared a riot

Protestors are breaking windows of some businesses in downtown, this is a jewelry store

“This is the Portland police Bureau, this has been declared a riot”

Portland along with other American cities are marking the anniversary of George Floyd’s Murder.

My dispatch from Portland for @nytimes alongside other updates nationwide…

Protesters broke windows of a bridal shop and dragged out a mannequin onto the sidewalk

The Apple store fence in Portland, Oregon

Police are making some arrests

Protestors and police stand in the street, police retreat after making an arrest

I am out of downtown.

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