Pavel A. Samsonov Profile picture
Design is the rendering of care. 💼UX Lead @AWS ⏳10+ yrs in problem design. Sick of rectangles | Opinions are my own & don't represent AWS

May 26, 2021, 19 tweets

When the PM insists that everything needs to go above the fold

When the ease of completing a task is measured only in the number of clicks required

When the developers insist that the bug is an edge case and doesn't need to be solved before the release

When the designers ship an experience that they tested only on their own hardware, and not on what an ordinary user would own

When the HiPPO says "the user will know there's a problem, just put in a notification light"

When you think your users will understand an unintuitive UI because their employer can just provide training on it

When you release a complicated user flow because your target persona is "experts who will get it"

When management asks you to track another quantitative metric on your dashboard

When management asks to see that metrics dashboard on mobile

When your product was last redesigned in the 90s and the designers roll out the new style guide

When your designer gets tired of rectangles and starts trying Something New

When the designer realizes that the front-end framework allows for Interesting typography

When you have to fix the deep system problems in the UI layer

When you have too many "single sources of truth" and instead of fixing the system your manager issues you a second monitor so you can look at them side by side

When your org is undergoing Agile transformation and management asks for a dashboard showing every stage of the SAFe process

When you're told that you don't need to redesign the entire UI for a new feature, just add another button to the menu

When your org releases the "more intuitive" redesigned product and the users try to get some work done

When the manager watched too many Apple keynotes and asks to make the user interaction more tactile

When the super-modern front end requires integration with the existing back-end, and you open the legacy code base

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