Premier Alan Winde Profile picture
Premier of the Western Cape 🇿🇦 | Western Cape Premier Candidate 2024 🗳️.

May 26, 2021, 5 tweets

1/5 We are intently focused on ramping up the speed of our mass vaccination programme, as well as its reach into rural areas, by rapidly opening more sites across the province. #LetsDoThis

2/5 We have set ambitious targets in this regard, and are aiming to move from vaccinating over 6000 residents per day this week, to 12 000 per day next week, to 24 000 per day the week thereafter. #LetsDoThis

3/5 We are pleased to report that we are due another shipment of Pfizer doses tomorrow, as well as two further shipments in the early weeks of June, all of which will enable us to move quickly to vaccinate more residents. #LetsDoThis

4/5 We are also working actively to open more sites across the province so that residents are able to be vaccinated as close to home as possible. #LetsDoThis

5/5 This week, we are aiming to open 33 additional sites, 6 of which are in rural areas. Next week, we aim to open another 49 sites, 36 of which are in rural areas. We are aiming to open a further 17 sites the week thereafter. #LetsDoThis

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