Mamas A. Mamas Profile picture
Professor of Cardiology @KeeleUniversity. Research: CV Epidemiology. Associate Editor @CircIntv. Senior clinical editor @TCTMD. @BCIS_uk audit lead.

May 26, 2021, 5 tweets

Another day another Hike. This time starting at eigiau dam… that burst in 1925 and flooded millions of gallons of water - you can see break in 1st pic @DrMarthaGulati @saraceciliamtz @bes502 @DBelardoMD @ShaziaTHussain1 @KTamirisaMD @ncurzen @nolanjimradial

Walking up towards the summit of wales 2nd highest mountain Carnedd Llewelyn- didn't make it to top, got to 900m. If you go to Wales come here and don't bother with the Snowden. I literally saw one other couple, rather than hundreds of ppl in snowden @DrRajivsankar @VijayKunadian

4. On the way down- i know what is missing from this hike, but no damn shops around, what to do? 😜😜 🍦.. @AnastasiaSMihai @Hinaheartdoc @hvanspall @HarryDauerman @timir_paul @kollsrini @DrNasrien @wordfinga @DavidWienerMD @Libbyextra @CotsCardiology @fitmslax

5. Thank god for satnav- happened to take me past a welsh dairy shop- And who am I to say no😜 @mirvatalasnag @AnastasiaSMihai @sunita57347943 @Libbyextra @PushpaShivaram @jedicath @drptca

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