Premier Alan Winde Profile picture
Premier of the Western Cape 🇿🇦 | Western Cape Premier Candidate 2024 🗳️.

May 27, 2021, 5 tweets

1/5 The Western Cape to introduce system to manage walk-ins of eligible residents at sites, but we encourage residents to wait for their second SMS which will start arriving in greater numbers soon. Read more here ➡️

2/5 The Western Cape is avoiding a stop/start vaccination programme, by scaling up as more vaccines become available. Over the last 3 days, nearly 20 000 people vaccinated alone. Read more here:

3/5 By next week, we will be administering 12 000 vaccines a day, and by the following week 24 000 a day. We plan to maintain this daily amount until the end of the vaccination programme in South Africa. Find out more here:

4/5 The Western Cape plans to open 200 sites across the province. Next week alone, 49 sites will open - and almost all will be in our rural districts. Another 17 sites will come online the week after, also mostly in our rural districts. Find out more ➡️

5/5 Read my full statement here ➡️

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