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May 27, 2021, 7 tweets

Empty airports. Full delivery trucks. When the pandemic hit, our infrastructure needs changed 🧡 politi.co/3foRIzv

One of the most severely affected parts of the economy was passenger travel. Public transit ridership, in particular, saw a steep downturn politi.co/3foRIzv

The pandemic also took a big bite out of air travel. The number of commercial flights was nearly halved from what it was in 2019. politi.co/3foRIzv

As Americans shifted to learning and working from home full-time, a high-speed internet connection became more vital than ever before politi.co/3foRIzv

And when leaving our houses to pick up groceries and buy toiletries became risky, Americans turned to online shopping. USPS reported that its competitive product volume β€” mainly package deliveries β€” was 31.6 percent higher in 2020 compared to 2019. politi.co/3foRIzv

The pandemic forced thousands of child care providers to close their doors. The collapse of the child care industry affected the labor market, with more than 10% of parents ( primarily women) forced to leave their jobs to take care of their children. politi.co/3foRIzv

Covid-19 has reshaped every aspect of society, from health care to employment to infrastructure and more. What other aspects of the pandemic recovery would you like to see represented by data? Let us know. politico.forms.fm/looking-at-the…

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