In March, a man attacked a 65-year-old Filipino woman outside of an apartment building in Manhattan. Surveillance footage shows two men inside who saw — and did not help her.
It sparked a discussion about bystander intervention.
@NPRLifeKit found 5 options you can take🧵
1. Distract -- cause a distraction to make the person being harassed less of a target
2. Delegate -- ask for help from someone around you or an authority figure
3. Document -- record a video on your phone, take photos or write down detailed notes (laws about recording someone can vary)
4. Debrief -- talk with the person being harassed after the situation is over
5. Direct -- if you feel safe doing so, talk directly to the harasser
It takes practice and mindfulness to be an active bystander.
The goal is to deescalate harm, not be the hero of the story.
More on how to help:
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