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vintage computers, tubes, the MOnSter6502, cross-sectioned electronic parts. coauthor of ⚠ please read

May 28, 2021, 33 tweets

i'm super curious about the electronics hobbyist community in China. perhaps a good place to start would be the Chinese equivalent of YouTube, bilibili. 🧡

only problem is that i don't know Chinese. (i really ought to learn one of these days.) good thing there are good translation tools out there. oh yeah and browsers can translate on the fly, so that's nice.

ahh there we go, soldering videos! hopefully bilibili has a good recommendation engine that will lead me to more electronics hobby videos.

this guy can solder with his feet.

the recommendations so far. i uhh think i'm going to start using the phrase "spicy eyes" πŸ˜‚

oooh drag soldering pr0n. the secret, of course, is a good solder mask.

25 million views for a video about an electronics assembly line? incredible, absolutely incredible.

here's the link if you want to go down the rabbit hole with me.…

it looks like various inspection stages, these boards have already gone through wave soldering.

now THIS is some circuit art! 😍…

wow, check out this nixie tube clock!…

there are quite a few reposts of youtube videos as well, interesting.

hahahha good to see the comment quality isn't that different though.

"Your complicated facial features cannot conceal your simple IQ." 🀣

bad apple on an oscilloscope screen. this "EE does not lose power" guy (EEδΈζŽ‰η”΅) has a pretty cool channel

whoops got lost there for a minute

oooh a 555 timer

wait 18 million views for a "DIY oscilloscope"

hmm, it uses a microcontroller that seems to be pretty popular. STC? hmm

it's an STC8A8K64S4A12, hmm, 8051 core.


enhanced with security features. runs a lot faster than a regular 8051.

interesting, WD-40 has a contact cleaner product

yep, it's a simple oscilloscope using the ADC in the microcontroller.

hmm, looks like there are rumors that fab houses will rat you out to Altium if you pirate their software

"99se" is referring to Protel 99se. this is the predecessor to Altium Designer. the "99" refers to the fact that this program came out in 1999. yup, more than 20 years ago, and people are still using it.

oh yeah 99se was my gateway drug to Altium.

on a totally unrelated subject, there are some interesting retrocomputing videos as well!…

ooh there's a video about an Apple I. but it's from YouTube. ok.

and people thought it was just a video about bad apple. but there's this chinese idiom "face painted miserably, legs carved straight" that i am very curious about

θ„Έη”»ζƒ¨οΌŒθ…Ώεˆ»ζ­£. "the face is drawn badly but the legs are right" hmm more or less "no that's wrong but the basic idea is correct"

i, too, use my umm large intestine to listen. πŸ€”

several chinese friends of mine say that yes, this literally refers to the large intestine and that it is probably some weird slang πŸ˜‚

also the commenter's name is ε°εΈη›˜ε€§η« ι±Ό which means "small suction cup, big octopus" which i'm pretty sure is dirty πŸ˜‚

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