Michael Shellenberger Profile picture
Author, “Apocalypse Never,” "San Fransicko" :: Dao Journalism Winner : Time, "Hero of Environment" : CBR Chair of Politics, Censorship & Free Speech @UAustinOrg

May 28, 2021, 15 tweets

Jacqui is a mom trying to save her son from death by fentanyl

We will protest to @StopFentanylDeaths at Windward Plaza at Venice Beach, CA next Wed June 2, 10 am - 12 noon

We are building a state-wide movement to demand action

We need a whole-of-society response

L.A. Friends! Join @JacquiBerlinn & other parents of fentanyl victims tmw, June 1, Windward Plaza, Venice Beach, 10 am - 12 noon!

All are welcome


Please RT!


Honest words about Venice Beach

Harsh realities of violence, overdose and death

ACLU’s role

Housing addicts doesn’t deal with the cause of homelessness

Academic “experts” deny reality of addiction

Many homeless OD’d and died in hotel rooms given to them by SF

The politicians including @GavinNewsom know better but ideology and money keep them addicted to Housing First

Car break-ins by addicts to support their addictions are increasing

“It’s too easy... They’ll break into your car here and sell the stuff one block over”

“They’re not going to get people off [Venice] Beach. It’s not going to be like Echo Park. It’s not going to be that simple”

Without a comprehensive state-wide response, eg Cal-Psych, all the police & city can do is harass the homeless

Cruel, costly, and totally ineffective

Just giving people housing and voluntary services doesn’t work

The encampments are spiraling out of control

Addiction causes homelessness

@Twolfrecovery tells his story

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