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🔦 Research 🔊 Reveal 💥 Disrupt

May 29, 2021, 6 tweets

🚨 Of course the owner of Hatworks who is selling “Not Vaccinated” Jewish stars took part in the J6 Capitol insurrection.

Hatworks also appears to enjoy having the @nfl and @titans boost their products.

Looks like Hatwrks used to sell Trump banners and flags, but then pulled them down after J6.

Is @StetsonUSA ok with being associated with Hatwrks whose owner is a proud Capitol insurrectionist and sells Holocaust themed antivax items?

Is @akubraofficial ok with being associated with Hatwrks whose owner is a proud Capitol insurrectionist and sells Holocaust themed antivax items?

Is IG: Bailey_Hats ok with being associated with Hatwrks whose owner is a proud Capitol insurrectionist and sells Holocaust themed antivax items?

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