Alex Bozikovic Profile picture
Architecture critic @GlobeandMail. Bestseller 305 Lost Buildings of Canada. Husband to @livmendelsohn. Dad. “Very young. He will mature/decay in time" - Atwood

May 29, 2021, 9 tweets

My obituary for the formidable Cornelia Hahn Oberlander 1/…

Her interest in plants began in childhood, encouraged by her mother the horticulturalist and author Beate Hahn 2/

After escaping Nazi Germany, she studied at @smithcollege and @HarvardGSD, then worked with pioneers of modernist landscape architecture. This project with Dan Kiley and Louis Kahn, Mill Creek public housing in Phila, drawing via @ccawire 3/

In 1953 she moved to Vancouver. She would work on public housing, parks, and many significant private houses. Her own house, architecture by Barry Downs with Peter Oberlander. 4/

She had a long collaboration with the architect Arthur Erickson, and played an important role on the Robson Square complex. The architecture and landscape “were integrated from day one,” a colleague said. 5/

She was a mother of three, and a leader in Modernist efforts to reimagine children’s play. Here, her playground for the Canadian pavilion at Expo 67. She would design 70 playgrounds across the country. 6/

She always favoured native plant species and often use them to create a sense of place. Here at the @MOA_UBC, Designed to mimic a landscape of Haida Gwaii. (📷 @ccawire and family photo) 7/

Some of her concerns: “Wilding”; climate adaptation; bringing nature into the city; stormwater and wastewater management; green roofs; social housing; integrated public space. (📷 Kiku Hawkes) 8/

A sad postscript: she died of complications from COVID-19. May her memory be a blessing. 9/9

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