Gaurav Sabnis Profile picture
Food, travel, nature, history, astronomy, and marketing. Associate Professor @stevensbusiness. Opinions/RTs personal. same ID at blusky, insta. He/Him.

May 29, 2021, 9 tweets

Abhishek Asthana Bikau Bawasir. Basically he's telegraphing to Pfizer and Moderna that if he can get some money from them, he will flip sides. For people like him, the whole thing is that ke bhaiyya sabse bada rupaiyya.

For anyone who wrote their own science exams instead of outsourcing homework, it's obvious that at least as May '21 ends, mRNA vaccines are THE best of all avlbl. Data from multiple clinical trials AND 100+ million vaccinations is historically obvious. But sabse bada rupaiyya.

Asthana is selfish enough to keep his presence still on the vastly superior American Twitter and not very much on the vastly inferior Indian Koo.
But he is still shilling to oppose American mRNA vaccines which, out of 10.1 crore, had only 700 hospitalizations. 🤔🤔

These Asthana types are so much more dedicated to their indian corporate paymasters than their fellow indian citizens!

So apparently Abhishek Asthana has a soft spot for the name "Shweta Singh" 🤣🤣🤣.
Such transparent sockpuppetry. An account named "Shweta Singh" dedicated solely to counter me. 🤣🤣🤣

Haha, this is what bawasir Asthana wants to point you towards with his sockpuppetry. The hilarious thing is, I haven't taught "BT214" in 2 years. The code was changed to BT417 over a year ago. And that course was not offered in Spring 2021.

Abhishek is so bad even at being bad!

A review posted on May 19 2021 for BT214 which hasn't been offered at Stevens since 2019. 🤣🤣🤣

The funniest thing is Asthana is dumb enough to think he's hurting a tenured prof in a US university by hiring sockpuppets to tell fewer students to take his class. 🤣🤣🤣

Basically he went to my faculty page, which I haven't updated since the pandemic started. So BT214 appears on my page as a course. Not actually in Stevens records since 2019 cos it's now BT417. No real student would post a 214 review in May 2021. Only gobar sockpuppets.

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