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Premium IGBO kvng 💥 All Ads & Promo mails 📧 to: EzeImo@inbox.lv . CFC 💙💙💙, I stand for Good Governance 👍✌️ #Fully OBIdient..WEB 3, Marketing 🤲🏻

May 29, 2021, 5 tweets

This is the state of things in Imo State right now as recorded by a known Radio presenter in Imo State ...

The pain, agony & tears in the voice of these IGBO mothers, please tag the relevant authorities

N/B: Get an Igbo translator to be able to understand this..

This is so painful to watch the youths being terrorized by the police supposed to keep them safe....

No young man or woman in Imo State is safe....

Pls RT so that the whole world can see this injustice

Imo State is now like a state with no governor or anyone at the helm of affairs.

Breakdown of law & order by the security agents is now the order of the day in Imo State...Now's the time to speak up

Pls RT & tag the appropriate people, ka ejiri ütütü chụwa Ewu ojii tupu anyasị eruo 🙏

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