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May 29, 2021, 7 tweets

Families on ventilators. No time for breaks. Patients treated in hallways.

The Star's exclusive look, in photos, inside Brampton Civic Hospital, the one hospital for a population of 600,000 hit by a brutal, crushing third wave of COVID-19.…

No room. Andrea Hall checks the vital signs of a patient lying sick on a stretcher. Here, out in the open. "There’s no privacy for the patient, and it can sometimes be chaos in the hallway, but we manage.”

📷: @steverussell / Toronto Star…

Struggling to breathe. “Now, we see whole families. The mom and dad upstairs on a ventilator, the son coming into our ER because he can’t breathe. This time around it really feels like more of a nightmare," registered nurse Jennifer Shiels says.…

No way to ‘switch off.' Darsh Takhar has been a critical care nurse for almost 35 years. This year, she has seen more death than at any point in her career. “Some people think you can walk out of here and switch off. I can’t." Sometimes, she cries at home…

Behind-the-scenes, Star photographer @SteveRussell recounts what it was like to see the inside of one of Ontario's hardest-hit hospitals. From hallway care to the ICU:

Star health reporter @Megan_Ogilvie details some of her emotional journey covering COVID-19 for more than a year — including the eight-hour visit to the Brampton Civic Hospital.

#StarExclusive: Turmoil and tears: More behind-the-scenes photos from Brampton Civic Hospital from Star photographer @SteveRussell and reporter @Megan_Ogilvie…

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