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May 29, 2021, 6 tweets

1) A pilgrimage to Flatford Mill in Suffolk, where John Constable (1776-1837) painted some of his most famous landscapes. Here some of his paintings with the corresponding view today, first up: “Boat-Building near Flatford Mill” (1815)

2) “Flatford Mill on the River Stour” (1817)

3) “The Lock” (1824)

4) A glimpse of one of the most famous landscapes in the world of art…

5) ..and there it is, largely unchanged. Magical.
“The Hay Wain” (1821)

6) Rather than crossing the river, recent study has suggested the wagon has stopped at the ford to cool the horses' legs and ‘soak the wheels’. In hot dry weather, wooden wheels would shrink away from their metal rims. Wetting the wheels would help keep outer metal band in place.

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