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May 29, 2021, 10 tweets

The "model minority" myth paints Asian Americans as overrepresented in the highest echelons of society.

But a closer look shows that there's a big problem with the pipeline for Asian Americans moving up the corporate ladder. ⬇️…

While there is a high level of Asian American representation in professional roles, research into career advancement across workers of various ethnicities suggests the group remains deeply underrepresented among managerial and executive positions.…

Buck Gee, an executive advisor to the Ascend Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to improving Asian American representation in the workforce, said the issue isn't representation across all roles.

"The problem is equity of promotions."…

The Ascend Foundation analyzed 2018 data from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Based on representative data, Asian Americans made up about 13% of the professional workforce and 6% of executives, senior officers, and managers.…

Ascend's Executive Parity Index found that in 2018, white Americans were overrepresented in executive positions relative to their share of the white-collar professional workforce, while non-white groups, including Asian Americans, were underrepresented.…

An earlier Ascend Foundation analysis focused on Silicon Valley.

It found that while Asian Americans' workforce representation was higher, they were similarly underrepresented at the executive level.…

The finance and insurance sector show similar results, based on 2018 national data provided to Insider by Ascend.…

To address diversity issues with the executive pipeline, Gee told Insider that diversity and inclusion programs need to "look beyond the superficial numbers and recognize that a review of diversity must separately examine three issues." ⬇️…

Gee said companies should create "an executive sponsorship program for high-potential AAPI senior managers."

Denise Peck, an executive advisor with the Ascend Foundation, said one of these programs at her old company was successful.…

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