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May 29, 2021, 11 tweets

These are all public posts, just like the employee badge & selfie you posted on Twitter. Right, Cynthia Boatright?

Does @cvspharmacy know you defend the J6 Capitol insurrection, those selling Holocaust themed anti-vax items, and attack those exposing racism while at work?

Imagine getting on Twitter and defending this...

“...Surviving Covid and the vaccine. The weak will succumb, the strong will survive - that’s the goal. The flock is being thinned.”

Doesn’t sound very caring or compassionate for someone working for CVS.

CVS could probably just fire you go for lying about your age on your employment application. Were you able to sneak that past CVS?

They could maybe let you go for posting pics of your work environment on Twitter. That’s a nice CVS poster on the wall. Do they give those out at the stores?

Do you think your employer, @cvspharmacy, who advertises free covid vaccines, are “Vaccine Nazis” too, Cynthia?

Disagree with anti-vaxxers? CVS employee Cynthia Boatright will call you a “conformity Nazi.”

Want people to wear masks on airplanes? Cynthia says your a “mask Nazi.”

Cynthia says Black Lives Matter and Antifa are “damn close” to being Nazis too.

@cvspharmacy employee Cynthia Boatright AKA “@GypsyCyn1” believes the Capitol insurrectionists are Patriots.

@omnicare is a CVS Company...

Seems like @cvspharmacy & @omnicare are fine with Cynthia Boatright defending Holocaust themed Star of David anti-vaccine patches and the Capitol insurrection.

This is someone CVS allows to manage medications.

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