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May 30, 2021, 17 tweets

Why is @Amazon selling Holocaust themed “Not Vaccinated” Star of David shirts on #Prime?

Description: “Great for Anti-Vaxxers, Medical Freedom Activists & Liberty Lovers”

Amazon is still listing these offensive Holocaust themed anti-vaxxer shirts.

This is not a marketplace item, but an item sold by Amazon. @Amazon needs to take this down and find out who introduced this item to the site.

That description didn’t write itself.

Covid has claimed 600,000 lives in the United States. Some were Amazon employees. Why is Amazon selling any of these anti-vaxx items at all?

@Amazon is also selling an anti-Black Lives Matter anti-vaxx shirt and another saying “vaccine I.D’s are racist.”

Covid has disproportionately impacted Black and brown communities in the United States. This is trash.

Looks like this Amazon took down this racist shirt just a few months ago from the same manufacturer.

Why is Amazon continuing to sell shirts from this same manufacturer?

Amazon has taken down the Holocaust themed “not vaccinated” listings, but...

@Amazon is still selling racist, anti-Black “unvaccinated lives matter” shirts which mock the movement for Black lives.

Amazon has been promoting vaccinations for employees, why would they sell anti-vaxx items at all?

Here is a deranged Whole Foods employee calling Amazon’s free pro vaccination t-shirts “Nazi Germany all over again” and “crimes against humanity,” calls for boycott of Whole Foods and Amazon.

More anti-vaxx shirts from Amazon. Why cater to this?

h/t @DancesFacts

It’s obscene that Amazon workers have died from covid while their employer profits off multiple Anti-vaxx products.

Someone accidentally tagged @ebay in this thread. They’re profiting off antivaxx listings too.

Jesus themed antivaxx shirts from Amazon:

Amazon is selling shirts saying vaccines are a “lie” and not for those that think.

Amazon profits off antivaxx shirts calling vaccinated people “lab rats” and saying vaccines will kill you.

Here’s some Amazon shirts dissuading children vaccinations. Amazon shouldn’t be profiting off these shirts.

Real nice @Amazon, “F*ck You” to all those who got vaccinated, right?

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