1 & only👉SilverAdie Art 🌈 Parody—other 1 is fake Profile picture
Truth through Parody🗽Political Satirist ⚖️Social Justice Warrior🔥Political Poet🔥Graphic Artist🔥Animator🔥Composer🔥Video maker 💙🎹🌈🎶🌻

May 30, 2021, 33 tweets

THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection

Cancel Trumpism or kiss Democracy—goodbye
He’s the-evil—monster who helped a half million-die

Created an—insurrection telling—lie after—lie
A—grifting—destructive—mobster—is precisely this guy

#CancelTrumpism be good & safe all

THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection

(3) #CancelTrumpism

THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection




THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



THREAD 👉The—Insurrection GIF Collection



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